
A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion;
a truism, an adage. A brief statement of a principle. --AHD

Beware of those 
who are seers of light,
When they're looking at you, 
they are seeing you as you are:
a God's precious, beautiful creation;
a gem covered by dust.
Not the camera, nor the eyes, not even
the subject caught by the shuttered light,
is the cause of the beauty that was captured 
and exposed for everyone's delight; 
a beautiful pic is but a reflection of the beauty 
of the picture-taking-soul in one's heart.
Real knowledge is in cope with time, and it brings change; 
because time is an associate of adaptability and transformation.
a LIE to control a woman is not a sin;
and to juggle words to speak of the painful truth 
on a prideful ear without hurting is a superior skill.
Truth is the way and the light;
only at this path you'll find love.

Don't push your luck too far,

you're only a push away
from being blocked at my site.

Having a good wife is already a success,
but a real man's success does not necessarily 
depend on having a good wife.

There's no such thing as total freedom; 
some prison walls are made of freedom.

Death made me realize that i can't forever be with anyone of this world;
So i chose to be with The One who is eternal and not of this world.

Unlike animals, humans are accountable for their actions, which
are associated with reactions; no one can escape from BAD KARMA.

Being the child of God, 
The Supreme Spirit Soul; 
You are actually undying and eternal. 
You ought to learn how to live like one,
lest yours is a life of one, who is
as good as dead.

I'm writing in a compact and compress manner;
I never posted anything that i think is incomplete.
The flaw or limit might be in your ability to comprehend.
So please ask question, but don't dare challenge me w/query 
that would force me to come out with painful disclosures;
"What you do not know won't harm you"(?),
But what you thought you know surely will.

Life ain't no bed of roses, naives think otherwise;

you are but nothin' if you keep your truth in hide.
take ur shots; if u must, appease the injured by lies;
this worlds a place of quarrel, confusion and upheaval;
if you ain't expert and subversive you won't survive.

Your thinking has nothing to do with your immune system;
as no amount of positivity can save you from cold 
if your breath was exposed to its virus. Furthermore,
positivity will not save you from disease, old age and death.

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